Business Resource Links

Find a variety of resources to help you from local, State and Federal governments www.reliefwizard.net
Please contact us if you know a resource that should be added here.
Economic Development Offices
City of Annapolis Economic Development
Anne Arundel Economic Development
OPEN Maryland
U.S. Small Business Administration
Marketing Help
Free starter website from Wix.com
Free online Shopping cart. Start selling on your website, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Google today by Ecwid.
Free do it yourself graphic design help from canva.com
Shop Small marketing campaign. Download free marketing materials.
Watch Anytime
A collection of marketing webinars by BrightTALK connects you with modern marketers. Updated weekly.
A collection of sales webinars by BrightTalk to empowers sales leaders with information that accelerates growth. Updated regularly.
Historic Preservation Grants/Programs
National Trust for Historic Preservation: $1 million in grants to 25 historic and culturally significant restaurants to help improve, upgrade, and preserve their exterior physical spaces and online businesses. The program has a preference for restaurants owned by underrepresented groups, including People of Color and women. It will be administered by the National Trust.
The Arundel Community Reinvestment (ACR) Fund is available for downtown Annapolis and West Street businesses from Church Circle to Chinquapin Round. Loans up to $100,000 at zero percent interest for improvements, renovation and upgrades to building exteriors and site improvements, including landscaping. If exterior improvements exceed $60,000, the applicant may include up to $40,000 in interior improvements. In addition to financial assistance, the program includes professional architectural services provided by a full-service architectural firm with experience in commercial revitalization.
Installation of Fire Sprinkler System Tax Credit Application In accordance with Section 6.04.130 of the City Code, a taxpayer may receive a one-time, property tax credit against the general City property tax for an existing residential structure he or she owns in which a fire sprinkler system is legally required to be installed on or after July 1, 2009.
Sacred Places expertise and capital grants up to $250,000 to help congregations restore and preserve historic places of worship. (Applications typically due in April).
African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund the largest preservation campaign ever undertaken on behalf of African American history
Grants.gov is a database of grants from a wide variety of sources. It is not uncommon for them to have preservation grants for properties with public access.
Non-traditional Funding
The Amber Grant for Women-owned Small Businesses Grants for women owned businesses given out monthly.
Backstage Capital provides support to startup founders through programs and grants. Applicants must identify as women, people of color and/or LGBTQ+ members and be affiliates with a for-profit stage company.
Maryland Financial Incentives for Business. A database of state-managed grants, loans, and tax credits for Maryland businesses.
VOLT Fund for small and minority, women and veteran-owned businesses in Maryland. Loans are between $25,000 to $500,000 for purposes such as business and commercial real estate acquisition and expansion, leasehold improvements, equipment, and working capital.
Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program PACE, allows property owners to make making energy-efficient upgrades to your building with no money down.
Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation’s Workforce Training Grant A matching grant program for on-the-job training, classroom/offsite training, purchasing training software, and train-the-trainer scenarios. Though designed primarily to train employees of companies that are expanding or plan to relocate to Anne Arundel County, they will consider other types of employee training for the program.
Kiva, an organization that offers 0% interest loans to entrepreneurs in the U.S.
Maryland Capital Enterprises, Inc (MCE) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that specializes in supporting microenterprise and small business needs on Maryland's Eastern Shore and in the Annapolis - Baltimore area. MCE serves low-income and underserved entrepreneurs with business assistance, technical assistance, business training and loans. Loan limits are $5,000 to $50,000 for microloans and $5,000 to $150,000 for small business loans. MCE was certified as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI).
LGBTQ+ business grant and resource links
A list of resources and grants that is targeted for LGBTQ+ business owners.
offers growth-focused wealth redistribution grants of $1,000 to anticapitalist businesses led by social impact focused individuals. In addition to funding, grantees participate in a customized year-long growth-based mentorship program, which includes access to pro bono services from a roster of experts in branding, coaching, skill-based learning, marketing, and more. The grant is designed to support individuals in systemically marginalized groups who are making social impact and demonstrate financial need. This includes, but is not limited to, BIPOC individuals, individuals who have a disability, formerly incarcerated individuals, and queer, trans, and nonbinary folks.
For Artists and Musicians
Gospel Music Trust Fund Individuals who’ve worked for 10+ years in the gospel music field (full-time) can submit a request for financial assistance to the Gospel Music Trust Fund, which grants funding in the event of an emergency or major catastrophe, terminal or severe illness.
PEN American Writer's Emergency Fund This fund is for professional (published or produced) writers and editors who are in an acute financial crisis.
Annapolis Musician Fund for Musicians Temporary support for local musicians.